The healing effects of tea
Proven classic tea varieties
There are many stories about the origin of tea. That it originates from China, however, is undisputed. One story is said to have taken place in the year 2737 BC. Emperor Chen Nung is said to have had a bowl filled with hot drinking water in front of him when a tea leaf fell in and colored the water. He is said to have tasted it and was so enthusiastic about the taste that he did not want to drink anything else from then on.
Today, tea is a popular drink worldwide, appreciated not only for its taste but also for its variety-dependent healing properties. The classic teas are extracted from the tea plant. We have a look at six different types.
Black tea
Darjeeling, Assam, Ceylon, and Earl Grey are popular black tea varieties. Because of its stimulating effect, black tea can wake you up just as well as coffee. However, this is only possible with a short infusion time of three to four minutes. If it is steeped for longer, it loses its stimulating effect, but then develops antibacterial and pain-relieving properties that can be effective for problems in the gastrointestinal tract.
Oolong tea
Oolong tea means "black dragon tea". It is also known as green-blue tea. It can be infused several times and tastes a little different after each infusion. Apart from its stimulating effect due to its high caffeine content, it has some healing properties, is antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and supports the immune system.
Green tea
Well-known varieties of green tea are Gun-Powder and Sencha. Its caffeine content is lower than that of black tea, so it is less helpful as a stimulant. On the other hand, it gets the metabolism going, curbs the appetite and can thus help you lose weight. The catechin contained in it is said to help against gum disease and prevent tooth decay.
Yellow tea
Yellow tea is the rarest of all teas. That is why only the Chinese emperor was allowed to drink it in the past, and only his servants knew how to make and prepare it. Due to its high theanine content, yellow tea has a relaxing effect, which can counteract anxiety disorders. It also wakes you up, but without arousing nervousness.
White tea
White tea is plucked and dried particularly carefully. Because it hardly ferments at all, it has a mild taste. Its caffeine content is very low. Due to its ingredients it has an antioxidant effect and strengthens the immune system. White tea is also said to have a rejuvenating effect, which is why it is used in some anti-aging products.
Pu Erh tea
Pu Erh tea comes in many varieties. In general, a distinction is made between light or green Pu Erh and dark Pu Erh. Now and then this tea is also called red tea. In contrast to the other classic tea varieties, it is not obtained by oxidation, but by fermentation. Pu Erh tea is said to aid digestion, stimulate fat burning, and lower cholesterol levels. It is also considered an insider tip against hangovers after a party night.
Herbal and fruit tea
What about fruit and herbal teas? you may ask yourself now. After all, these have been known at least since the Middle Ages and are used for medicinal purposes. Strictly speaking, these drinks are infusion drinks, not tea. After all, they are not made from the tea plant, but from other plants and fruits as well, and do not contain theine. Their healing effect should not be disputed. Peppermint tea, chamomile tea, nettle tea & Co. prove themselves regularly in use against a wide variety of health problems.