Where science was wrong

Aha-moments and change of thinking always happened

For many, the laws of science are indisputable truths. Theories about the origin of the earth and the universe, laws of mathematics, chemistry, and physics give support and provide explanations for connections that we need for our rational thinking. Over the millennia, science has developed further and further, but today, as in the past, it provides surprisingly few proven facts. Scientists still present theories and then provide various pieces of evidence to support them. The more evidence they provide, the more acceptance a theory gains.

It doesn't happen often, but it does happen that the large scientific community is misled by evidence and becomes convinced of something that later turns out to be wrong.


Early superseded theories

Let's not start with "the world is a disc." Let's look further ahead to the 18th century, when the Scottish geologist James Hutton clarified that the earth is much older than the Bible story. But he also claimed that it was an organic, constantly reproducing body. His theory, based on granite veins and intermingling rock layers, was wildly successful until it was refuted by the concept of plate tectonics.

In 1811, the German physician Johann Friedrich Meckel thought he detected gill slits in embryos and thus advanced the theory, believed by many, that before humans are "perfect," they pass through the "less perfect" stages of fish, amphibians, and reptiles. The idea of a linear progression of biological perfection was quite popular until about 50 years later Charles Darwin came up with his theory of evolution.

Noble superseded theories

In 1926, the Danish researcher Johannes Figinger was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for the discovery of a supposedly cancer-causing parasite in rats. A few years later, it turned out that the merely benign tumors in the animals had been caused by a vitamin A deficiency due to nutritional factors.

In 1949, the Portuguese neurologist Antonio Egas Moniz was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his method of treating schizophrenia. He made a convincing case that delusions resulted from "sticky" nerve connections and performed lobotomies, i.e., he cut the nerve tracts. It was later acknowledged that part of the personality was taken away from the patients in the process.

Errors were also admitted concerning the theories or discoveries of Nobel prize winning Servero Ochoa and Arthur Kornberg (1959, medicine), Wendel Meredith Stanley (1946, chemistry) and Enrico Fermi (1938, physics).

Superseded theories of popular people

In 1913, Niels Bohr predicted the frequencies of the specific colors of light absorbed and emitted by ionized helium to several decimal places and received support for this from Albert Einstein. Later it turned out that the predictions were made with a faulty atomic model, i.e. they were wrong.

In general, light gave scientists many puzzles. In the 17th century, Isaac Newton claimed that it consisted of particles. The natural scientist Christina Huygens was hardly heard with his theory that it consists of waves due to lack of popularity. It was not until the 19th century that Thomas Young confirmed Huygens' theory with his light wave findings. After Clerk Maxwell and Heinrich Hertz had also drawn attention with their wave theories, Einstein came along with his photoelectric effect, which in turn proved that light consists of particles. For this he got the Nobel Prize - and into arguments with Max Planck. (Probably) nobody was wrong. So, in the meantime, we speak of particle-wave dualism.

But Einstein did make an actual mistake. He assumed that our universe does not expand. However, today we know: The universe expands and does this even in increasing speed. After years of analysis, a team of astronomers was able to measure the expansion rate of the universe very precisely and thus disprove Einstein's assumption. The results published in the scientific journal "The Astrophysical Journal" also call current physics into question.

The Hubble Constant and Dark Energy

The so-called Hubble constant describes the expansion rate of the universe. In the past decades it was measured again and again by different space telescopes. The previous measurements of the Hubble constant varied slightly. Most space telescopes came to a value of about 70 km/s/Mps (kilometers per second per megaparsec). The European Space Agency (ESA), on the other hand, came up with about 67.8 km/s/Mps. In contrast, the result of the new study, the most precise evaluation of the Hubble constant to date, comes in at 73.45 km/s/Mps. This result is groundbreaking because it apparently confirms the existence of a non-random force that is causing the universe to expand ever faster.

Until now, Dark Energy has been held responsible for the expansion of the universe - in current theories, it is described as a constant that does not interact. Renowned astrophysicists demand a new definition of dark energy and that it is no longer regarded as a cosmological constant, but as variable. Moreover, they assume the existence of an unexplored radiation in the early universe. The new theory that Dark Energy interacts with this radiation would explain the different measured values of the Hubble constant. At the same time, it would indicate that dark matter does interact with other particles. The different expansion values are based either on a calculation error or just on an error concerning the Dark Energy. A paradox, which can be solved only if a kind of new physics is considered.

The (im)possible quantum energy

The possibilities of quantum energy exceed our rational thinking, also because they contradict previously valid physical principles. In contrast, however, there are numerous studies carried out with scientific methods and real experiences that say: The neutral quantum energy of the 90.10. products has significant positive effects on the energy level in the human organism. As amazing as actually possible is the infinite exponential increase of quantum energy with the Forever Freedeom Pack, which can be used to respond to practically any challenge of our environment.

We look forward to the moment when the first popular scientist causes worldwide astonishment with theories and proofs of the existence of quantum energy (which has always been around) and somewhat undermines rational thinking. After all, history has shown many times that no law and no truth is indisputable.

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