The quantum frequency 90.10. Tink for Women was produced exclusively for 90.10. under a 90.10. license. It was developed by a partner of 90.10. who is living in Hawaii and contains the frequencies of various dietary supplements, or vitamin and mineral supplements. Thus, it focuses on the needs of middle-aged women (40+). The following areas are covered: Anti-aging, brain performance, immune system, stress relief, and "Wahine". Wahine is the Hawaiian word for "woman". This area unites typical female topics, for instance, volume and strength of the hair, healthy nails, skincare, and the hormonal balance.
The frequencies used can be found on this website:
There, the frequency is introduced in a power capsule. This can inspire you to combine "Tink for Women" with a power capsule ZERO POINT ENERGY.
Attention: After a first in-house phases of testing we insistently point out that the frequencies which are transferred with the quantum energy have an enormous power. Especially but not only people who react sensitively to energy should give the body time to accustom to this power.
Wait about 1 week after until 1 week before beginning of menstruation before using the card.
- Content: 1 piece
- Size: 3,5 x 2 inches (WxH)
- Material: The card consists of thin aluminum. Its surface is sealed with colorless anodic oxide. The aluminum protects against electromagnetic interference effects.
- Energy output: 6 QEPPs
Amplification of the frequency
The energy of the card is strong enough to positively influence the body and transport the frequency into the cells. To do this, simply carry the card in your pocket or place it on the glass of water you are drinking from. If you wish, you can amplify the frequency by using the 90.10.-POWERCAPSULE ZERO POINT ENERGY and aluminum foil. In the video you can find instructions on the example of a Moringa leaf. You don't have to place the card in the center, just put the stamp (built as shown in the video) on one corner of the card (the frequency is stored everywhere in the card in the same strength). You don't have to wrap the aluminum foil around the spheres, you can also form it to a kind of tube, push it into the capsule, and fill the spheres into the tube.
Please read before purchase
The frequency of any imaginable matter can be downloaded from the "universe" or "quantum space" (free of charge, of course). Experienced users of the 90.10. products are familiar with this process. The offer of the hardcopies or 3D frequencies is addressed to newcomers and all who want to effortlessly experiment with quantum energy and proven frequencies.